Cricket game breaks out in Peckham street after 10pm curfew
Written by News on 11/10/2020
Revellers took part in an impromptu game of cricket on Saturday night in a south London street after bars and pubs closed at 10pm.
Described as “sweet and exuberant moment of joy”, the participants gathered by Peckham Rye Station with a bat and ball, surrounded by a sizeable crowd.
James Jones, who caught the game on camera, said: “My guess was that it had recently started as everyone was kicked out of the local pubs and bars.
“I was there for about 10 minutes and it was still going strong.
“Obviously on social media people are projecting all sorts of views on to it.
“Being there, it felt like a very sweet and exuberant moment of joy. And we could all do with some more joy at the moment!”
Londoners are being urged to wear a mask and keep a social distance by the city’s mayor, Sadiq Khan.
On Sunday he tweeted: “We live in a time when the simple act of wearing a mask could save countless lives.”
It comes after a further 15,166 people were reported as having coronavirus on Saturday, along with 81 more deaths of people who died within 28 days of a positive test.
(c) Sky News 2020: Cricket game breaks out in Peckham street after 10pm curfew