Taylor Swift sends gift for Katy Perry’s newborn daughter after ending feud
Written by News on 14/09/2020
Katy Perry has shared pictures of a personalised gift for her newborn daughter, sent by Taylor Swift.

Fans were delighted to see photos of the embroidered silk blanket, which shows the two pop stars have definitely ended years of rumoured feuding.
Perry and her fiance Orlando Bloom announced the birth of Daisy Dove Bloom at the end of August, saying they were “floating with love”.
Sharing the photo of the blanket, embroidered with a flower and the words “Baby Bloom”, Perry posted on Instagram: “Miss adores her hand embroidered blankie from miss @taylorswift hope it’s one she drags around for years till it becomes an unrecognizable shred that she keeps in her pocket as a teenager ♥️.”
The blanket was sent with a card, addressed to “Katy and Orlando (and little one)” and dated 3 May, so it appears the gift was sent before the baby was born.
Swift and Perry reportedly fell out in a row over backing dancers and both have addressed the controversy through their music.
Bad Blood, a 2015 single of Swift’s, is thought to be about Perry, while Swish Swish, released by Perry in 2017, is said to be about Swift.
In 2018, Perry sent Swift a package containing an olive branch and a handwritten note, which Swift shared on social media.
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The Instagram post of the blanket received more than half a million likes within four hours of it being shared.
“THIS IS ADORABLE!!!!,” one fan replied, while another said: “Omg omg omg collab.”
A Katy Perry-Taylor Swift collaboration could be the news that 2020 needs.
(c) Sky News 2020: Taylor Swift sends gift for Katy Perry’s newborn daughter after ending feud